do you feel like you have something that is the biggest symbol of hope? I know it is different for each person.
I dont really have much hope for myself. My dad passed from anorexia and ive accepted that given the years i have had this, that its how i will go someday. My biggest hope is that my children and grand children never have to exist with this. Society places so much importance on how we look and so little on how we feel and the lengths people will go to to fit the idea of an acceptable look. I jyst wish people could see that they are enough just the way they are and that happiness is an inside job not an outside appearance.
Sorry for the long ramble.
I feel that to a personal level.
Jules I sent you 3 designs I made you in a message
Yes, at some point hopefully, society will say enough is enough.
Got them. Saved them. Beautiful work my friend. Cant wait to show them to friends.