Can you help me with this screen?

Guys, I’m here to ask for your opinion on this screen.
I thought the date was a bit difficult to see, but I don’t know if it would be better to reduce it or change the format of the letters.
I entered the wind speed but, here in Brazil it is Km and in the others I believe it is Miles but I was unable to make the change.


I think it is OK.


Hello…At first glance, the text of the date is a little hard to read, you have to concentrate to be able to recognize it. The wind speed also depends on the watch settings of each person, which one she chooses.


I’m able to see the date fine!


Use this and it will become either miles per hour or kilometers per hour
$#WM#=F?(round(#WND#)) mph:(round(3.6*#WND#)) kmh$


I made a reduction in the effect of the numbers (AVC 1) and the change in Km and Miles as I was advised by several friends who I thank ! ! !

Fiz uma redução no efeito dos números (AVC 1) e, a alteração na Km e Milhas como me foi orientado por varios amigos que agradeço ! ! !

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