Can't upload bigger pictures in the creator?

hi! I’m still very new to, but i can’t help but wonder when i upload a picture in the creator, that is bigger than the canvas, it gets compressed down to the 320x320 scale and when i scale it up to its original size, the quality is ruined.
i need a bigger picture, as i’m making a sun/moon phase, and it has to extend the canvas, otherwise the edges of the picture will be seen on square watches, as it is rotating.

am i doing something wrong or is it just not possible to upload bigger pictures?

Welcome to Facer. One of the issues people have with Facer is that Facer Creator “always” reduces the size of pictures a minimum of 50% and more for really large picture. If you upload a 100x100 pixel picture the creator will size it 50x50 pixels. When I’m sizing a picture for a watch face I always double the size. That way when it starts out 640x640 in the editor it will be the 320x320 the editor wants to see.

Yep, 320x320 is the max it will let you have.
Worst case, you have to make 4 pictures and rotate them seperately while also moving around the X and Y coordinates.

If you need help with this, let us know

I made a test with a 1280x1280 image sliced in 4 images of 640x640:

In Facer you can see the slices, so if it is 1 big image, this solution is a no go:

Oh, I see. Thanks for the info!

Thank you so much for the help! I’ll try out some different things and see what works the best!