Celebrate with me!

4,000 users!

Today is a very special day for me. I am celebrating the fact that I have reached 4,000 users of my watches on the Facer platform.

When I started creating watches, I never imagined that I would go so far. I have always been passionate about technology and design, and I wanted to create watches that were both beautiful and functional.

I am very grateful to all the users who have downloaded my watches. Your support has motivated me to keep creating and improving my designs.

This achievement is a testament to the strength of the Facer community. It is a place where people can share their ideas and creativity, and where everyone can find a watch that they love.

I am very proud to be a part of this community, and I am excited to see what the future holds.

Thank you, everyone!

Herwill Real Designs.


Congratulations @Herwill well done :+1:

1 Like

Wow! Congratulations!! What a great accomplishment! Keep up the good work! :grin:

Congratulation… Good Luck :ok_hand: :100:

Woooow!!! I am a little late, Im sorryyy about that but I am so glad you reached this milestone, hope you take it way further in the future!! :green_heart: