Change Facer Weather Icons

I am wondering if there is a simple way to use different weather icons in the Facer builder. The defaiult ones work well and look okay, but it would be good to be able to use others? I statred using the Samsung Galaxuy Watch designer and fomr some reason, you can’t even display weather with other things like steps on the main page, but that’s a different issue, so I have come back to using Facer again.
Thank you,

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Gather the images you want to use to replace the originals, then click the “x” on the image you want to replace, then a “+” will appear. Click that then find the image you want to replace it with and upload it. Good luck!


That’s great Rator. Thanks for the help!

Anytime my friend!

Damn… I’ve been going crazy trying to make a custom weather widget thing, I had absolutely no idea that a + would appear when you removed a default image from the weather icon… A thousand thanks, brother!

No problem! BTW, I’d imagine the moon phases and battery icons work the same way.

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