Without mentioning names due to Copyright Rules, here’s a Face I edited using elements from a very well known horror movie franchise (it was originally my own creation, Game Time) -
Wonderful! Had to try it out!
Was I first to sync it?
Hey Well done my Friend . Good to see you Back having a Go .
Welcome Back! I see you have not lost your knack for moving images!
Thanks guys, it was only a few changes to an already published earlier Face, all I needed was to change the images and colour scheme. (Don’t know why I cut a hole in the TV to show the video, I have the whole gif anyway ). No idea if you were first to sync yet sorry Tom, have to get my laptop out again to open up Creator and see Notifications, but they’re usually swamped with other people’s publications
Yes I have unfollowed a couple of people because of the Swamping . The Goul on the bike will make a good Battery Gauge see we have a Charging indicator so he could be riding the other way for that .