Hey All,
Working on something a little different in reference to "Digital vs. Analog. I have the basic layout complete but my digital clock wheel images look terrible. Aspect ratio is off between hour and minute wheels. I have searched for this type of image and only came up with these two. Just can’t get the aspect ratio correct with what I got. Any images out there that might work. I would also like to put the second wheel back to the outer edge if I can correct the other wheels.
It was
Your Arc Centre Can be well outside the display diameter centre . It is a Fantasy face rather than something that could have been made 200 years ago . there is a nice new Tag for imitating the Tension Bounce in Hands . You could Squeeze that in . You would not even have to redraw . Just scale up in Creator . what you have is a nice AnaDigi . There are many that like Faces like This .
Get it out there when you think it is Ready . Remember to Duplicate Before you Publish .
Awesome, Took your suggestions and it’s looking better. Thanks for the input.
I keep looking at the analog side and like the slate background. I may have to work on a full size.
Shame your draft is not inspectable . I cold play and send you a Capture . I like what is happening there . The Table the Analogues are sitting on can be an Arc. Don’t be frightened of stuff overlapping a bit , gives depth .
The numbers didn’t seem to line up looking “higely pigely”. I tried to correct by adjusting the degree’s. It looked good until time rotation. I think it due to the three wheels off on the axis. I did correct the y axis but haven’t removed the degree adjustment. Time to step back for a bit. Fresh eyes and mind work better for me.
I agree the second bump is off. Not mechanically natural looking. I looked and tried a couple and this current one worked the best so far. More research.
I hope by correcting the actual axis orientation it will line the numbers up.
I really like the look of the analog side. I am stuck with the digital font which is fine but may work on different colors.
Double the trouble when you are creating a ana/digit face…lol.
Thanks for taking a look. A second set of eyes is always good.
I sent in a Request to Little Labs and got this .
They obviously posted this in some publication that I have never seen . Too busy on the community . Ha Ha .
Thanks for posting the News Page Link . The Shoot the Moon article is there now . I don’t often look through stuff like that it is more about promoting the Top Designers . I notice Facer has Promoted the Crowd Funding for a Mechanical watch project . Well I Love the work of that particular Designer but it is a Little Off the Smartwatch Topic . Oh Well .
It seems like I just happen upon sites or pages like this when looking for something else. They should have one site dedicated to tags, tutorials, compilations, ect. Update the site as needed with new info related to the creator. I have multiple sites like this in my favorites. All different sites. Not a very well organized to inform creators.
Thanks for the info and links. I will definitely check them out.