[Collection] Les Grand

The first three of the Les Grand collection:
A classic one, stylish and modern.

Bold and blue, with 24 dial in the outside.

Fun and random colored, but still stylish (I think)

Hope you like it!


Looking good @carlosfilippa! Another great set of faces!

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Well done! Nice color choices as well.

Very nice, indeed!!!

An the last, for now, the super classic black and white.

Thank you @Facer_Official, @Orion and @GAUSS!


Cool! Almost reminds me of a black and white film.

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I like the Night & the Kaleydo. Very nice :+1:

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Beautiful! :heart_eyes:

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@carlosfilippa the grand Kaleydo is awesome, I love ALL the color changes when you flip from DIM and back it keeps changing colors, hmmm how did you do that? I love it

Thanks @jmorga106, @Linlay and @selia67!
Just playing with wakeRand Selia, 1-5 6-10 and 11-15 to have all the combinations…

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Wow didn’t even notice the changing of colors. Well done! Very cool use of wakeRand.