Complication Opacity Editing?

Is there a way to set the Icon or Title of the Complication to transparent so only the Numbers/Data is shown so it doesnt show the icon/title at all?

so far working thru the colour section and trying to set Alpha to 0 does nothing once its sent to watch it resets back to #ffffff which sucks.


Are you able to provide a screenshot or inspectable draft of what you mean? You can put ## tags in the ‘text’ after adding text to get things such as steps, HR etc with just the words and no icon.


Welcome to the Community :slightly_smiling_face:
Not sure what you’re on about here sorry :thinking: Can you post a link to the Face you’re working on, with Inspection Open so we can take a look please.
Think I understand now and if I do, it’s a simple fix :grin:
In the Text Box where it says #ZSC# Steps, just delete the word Steps and you’ll only see the Step Count then. There won’t be an Icon unless you add one.
:star2: A tip for you as well would be to untick the Fixed Width box, so whatever text is shown will always fit in.
Steps Example


Welcome @blzd87 . I am assuming you are Talking about Pro Complications . I am not a PRO any more but I have some Templates . Which Complication are you testing .
As @roycaruso has said a Screenshot or Inspectable Draft would be really usefull to completely understand what you are trying to do .


I’ve decided to use the complications and just use the default icons. But wish I could edit the font size instead of just S M L as the L is still very small as you can see in the image


Oh, you are using the user selectable complications. Those are a pain to work with just because like you said, you have to have the programmed icons and you can only select small medium or large font. I don’t use those except when someone requests a user selectable complication.


Yeah . Dammed things . Not the Best Platform if you want decent Complications . Having said that it is not that well joined up on WFS . I always Hide the Comps and put what I want on top . I think there are standards for Icon , Image , Title and Text but they keep changing . I wish they were all white an we could colour them Ourselves . Some good app makers Recognise this . I always sing the praises Of GS on the store . But he is a lot about Meteorology .


Ahhk. Only workaround is if you have Facer Creator Pro - then you can use VAR tags so that the user can cycle through your own custom options rather than the prebuilt ones:

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@blzd87 Must already have PRO or he would not be playing with Complications at all . Can you offer an Example .

Sure - in this basic example you can touch the date box to cycle through date or digital time options (via the VAR increment tag). You could do the same thing for any images, text, or app launchers you’d like to essentially replicate user-selected complications (or at least, the main ones people would care about). You can also change the hands by tapping them using a similar approach.

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Don’t set it to transparent.
Set it to black.
That way you’ll have black background and black icon so it will not be seen.

The other way is to make a black shape and to place it on top. It will cover the title/icon.

Complications are great if you are making a watchface for yourself. You can add things Facer do not have.
If you are making a watchface for publishing - not so great, try to avoid complications. Too hard to explain how to set them. Most people will not know how to use complications.


thanks everyone for your help