So, one aspect of the last art contest, the tickmarks, got me thinking.
Obviously i dont know if this is possible but thought it might be fun seeing past contests.
A watchface that is wine based for enthusiasts like myself
Here is a watchface with wine pouring into a glass
Here is a watchface with what is almost wine glasses as tick marks
So im sure glasses could be made
Next would be the hands
Hour hand being a white wine bottle
Minute hand being a red wine bottle
They would obviously have to be thin bottles, like dessert wines, haha
As the hands pass over a tick marks, the wine pours into the glass.
I get that!
I was a truck driver about 20 years, mostly over the road, and a variety of other things.
I miss it sometimes.
But yeah.
Sometimes it was amusing being designated driver because you watched your friends get real silly.
I just crossed 2 years in January, did my stint OTR first year, still do a little, regional, western states with occasional longer runs, Ohio, Kansas City, Houston.
But niw i train new drivers.
This was after retiring from 25 years of computer consuting.
Retirement is boring so… Haha
Anyway, never been a DD, and now when we go out, the wife is it.
Usually though, when i drink i do it at home now, so no worries