Conditional Change

This is the Work of one of our Masters .

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This is quite sweet actually . Of course you are welcome to use it . If you don’t I may myself . You play with the last numbers in the Orbit Formulas . Nothing else at this stage . To get to inspect this Thumbnail Click on the Face Title to get to the Preview then the Little Rocket .

Waouhhh… So cool I’ll be able to have a ressence for a few hundreds rather than 35.000 ! Thanks.

On anothr hand I can’t say that docs are really helpfull (Ok, I’m new here and at this), there’s one feature I don’t see in creator tools : how one sets swapping ? Is there one ?

I’m on a rather minimalistic design so I don’t want tons of trinkets on main screen. How do I access others screens ?
And I’ve seen huawei last flagship watch 4 pro pictures with text on an artc. Is there something similar in facer ?

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No we don’t have text in an ARC. We have that on WFS . Watch Face Studio . If you want to swap stuff about you will Have to go PRO which costs you . I was not trying to bamboozle you . I was just trying to show you that we can do complex stuff. Try show us what you are working on . My Friend we all started exactly where you are . Some did it on other platforms . Some had coding skills and some graphic but we all started the Face Making game on our First Day .

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I’m yet to guess why you feel obliged to apologize about bamboozle me, i didn’t thought you were.
Are you referring to the beginning of my comment on being able to have a ressence for a ‘dime’ ? (I was referring to the price of the smartwatch I’ve ordered today compared to the 35.000€ of the real watch (actually 45.900€ for the type 3 green eucalyptus)).

Thank you for the information on WFS, I’ll try that.

And if I may : how do one swap from main sreen to another ? Is this possible, I haven’t found doc about this for now.

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I meant Bamboozled you by showing you Something that is possibly a direction you can not follow . I can show you my Private Face . When you tap the Centre it swaps to a data back . Then there are 4 tap areas . Two are unused . I can not publish this Face as I am not Pro right now . Also it has Equinox and Solstice Details that I set by hand . These only apply for my location. Any way you can inspect it to see how to swap faces .

I see the cavalry did good work during my absence :grinning:

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Even still working on my 1st project, I’ve been doing tryouts with rings. Even if they are catching, they show some issues.

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What about Daylight Saving Time? Do people in Europe even know what that is?


Sorry, but us european people still are using wax candles and oil lamps. ;.)
But what about it ?


Hi Parisienne, nice face, especially for a first project.

try to use #DWFM# instead of #DWFMS# to prevent the minutes disk to rotate out of view. For the hours you already used that.

This way, the hours and minutes will stay on place and only the seconds are rotating. So you can read the time more easily.

Beinig a beginner myself I found the following resources very helpful:

and more from the menu on the left side, although much of that deals with premium features (among others the variables and layers, which would help you with your goal of different displays).


British Summer time was Invented in the UK .

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@parisienne17 For the Rotation of your Disks you could have a Smart move during the changes . So it jumps bit not too fast . I have to go out . I have a good example somewhere but I will have to find it on my Laptop later . Well done as was Said above for your Debut Face . I find the Numerals a little small but I know my Eyes are older than yours .

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On this side of the pond we’ve always believed the blame lay with the US Congress.


I got 1916 .UK War Effort thing . I presume we are still talking Daylight saving . BTW check the offset for Nepal .
I apologise to @parisienne17 for the Topic Drift . These things Happen .

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Yes, numbers are a bit tiny. I think my initial layout to be kinda the reason as I didn’t want to set an only odd numbers ring or things like this : using an arial size 14 font is already a 800x800 ring.
I have to experiment on this.

My previous goal was to replicate a 20 years old design of mine I never couldn’t manufacture/Sell because of lack of technology.
In the 1st place, as I’m concerned with sun visibility/luminosity, my 1st choice was to go e-ink but not so much choice here, so I ended up with oled android and being near obsolete, health widgets aren’t my main interest. Being a watch collector,I’m more into replicating some watches on my modern one. The issue being facer more towards health widgets than watch tools.

I’ll try WES, I’ve also to test some others like Watchmaker watch, do you guys know some alternative ?


You are best off here for the Community. Pujie Watch Faces and Watchmaker are others . Please show us a picture of the Watch Face you are representing .

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I’m trying to understand your “You are best off here for the Community”.
I hope you understand that showing a concept I’ve never came across on the internet in nearly 30 years is somehow head scratching for me.

Of course, it hasn’t been done, I don’t see how it could be done but that doesn’t say that it won’t be doable in 5, 10 years.
Ok, 10 years, I’m not sure I’ll still be there. Who knows…


Better to be off, I think it’ll be better me growing carrots.

Can someone tells me WHY (and how) this is happening :

  • 1 object
  • Another one on top showing between 3am & 3pm (but disappearing at… 4pm)

Sadly I get error 404 when I try to Inspect your Face. Post a different link.

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