Content pulled for copyright infringement

Oh… and i have banned face because a screw type. Because the Hublot also use it… This QC bot is a joke sometimes…


@safesz Please let us know of the The offending screw type Name . I made a HUBLOT representation but sent it out as BUTHOL . I am not really like that so the name has been changed to Protect the Innocent .
See a link to the list I am trying to curate . I am not the IT expert but seem to be managing for now . The problem is Face will not let you edit something after it has been around for a while .

I actually removed the word “occasions” from the description of a face just before publishing it, and replaced it with a synonym.

Why? Because this paranoid bot has gotten me all paranoid… and look at that word again… it has CASIO in it and I wasn’t going to take any chances!!! :roll_eyes: :crazy_face: :rofl:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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That was a torx screw…

Good thing I’ve only used Allen screws I’ve painted myself so far …
am I even allowed to write this? :rofl:

it’s really silly.
this automatic function urgently needs to be adjusted.

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Socket Set Screws Please . But you need to buy an Allan key to tighten them .

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@safesz Torx added to the list . Thank you . I hope you guys are Duplicating before Publicating .