Dear watch designers, I seem to have run into a problem yet again. My goal is to concoct something like an “afterglow” illusion for a seconds hand.
*** Preview now updated with a different formula - works a lot better this was ***
As you can see there are 3 identical images.
The first glides around the watch face with the smooth seconds tag #DWFSS#
The second one “stays” at every full second due to #DWFS#
The third image “stays on”, one second behind, with #DWFS#-6 as rotational value
To achieve said “afterglow” effect I put expressions into the opacity field of the second and the third image:
(100-((#Dsm#-#Ds#)*50)) for the second image
(50-((#Dsm#-#Ds#)*50)) for the third one
In theory (and in an ideal world) I suppose the second image would face from 100 to 50, and the third image from 50 to 0 at the same time.
In harsh reality the third image seems to “pulse”, it looks like it starts too brightly, hence giving a sort of “double pulse”.
I already tried to tame the decimals with toFixed() and even floor() to achieve sensible stepping, I tried to fine-tune the transition point around values >50 and <50 to factor in possible delays of framerate issues.
No dice, I fear.
Has any of you achieved what I’m trying to do here? Could you nudge me into the right direction?
I think you have bumped into one of our pet beefs . The only Smooth tag we have is #DWFSS# . #Dsm# has a 10 ms glitch . You can see this if you run it as a numeral on your watch in a text box and video it . My test was two hands on a grey background . One runs smooth and one runs #Dsm#*6 . Besides that I can look at your formulas when my Laptop is on .
PS . Make your Face inspectable .
Hi, I am not sure if I understand right, what you wanted to achieve.
Check this example
and yes, #Dsm# tag is still broken in preview, it does show 0-0.9 in the first 0.1 sec and then continues to work normally for the rest of the second
Heya, thanks for the quick answer and for the #Dsm# ↔ #DWFSS# hint!
I decided to dive into pure intuitive (= mostly chaotic) number juggling using #DWFSS# and I may have found the recipe - at least the browser preview, and the performance on my OnePlus Watch 2 seem to be a LOT better than before. It’s still a bit unruly, but I can live with that for the very moment.
Here’s the opacity lines for hand #2, and hand #3:
#2: (100-((#DWFSS#-#DWFS#)*6.91))
#3: (58-((#DWFSS#-#DWFS#)*5.173))
There ain’t no math behind those idiosyncratic numbers, frankly, I just tried to find sorta “sweet spot” by typing digits into the fields.
P.S. How can I make a face inspectable? Haven’t found any check-box or whatnot to toggle this …
You’re doing excellently for the short amount of time that you’ve been here, very impressive, well done 

Oh, thank you for the kind words
Those kind reviews and comments during the last days really made my day(s). I’m really just tryin’ to live by those wise words: “It’s never too late to suck at something new”, and smart watch faces are enormous fun! Good for the brain, too, never had so much math in my life like the past 2 weeks, hehehe.
I will think of setting previews inspectable in the future! Thanks for the hint - I have nothing to hide, I just missed this toggle 
This is actually THE best Smartwatch Face creating website out there, has been for quite a few years, and this Community is second to none when it comes to meeting with very decent, honest, clever, and helpful people. I’m only jumping in and out nowadays myself, but like you, I took found it very fun, educational, and addictive when I used to create Faces. Just as a heads up, always duplicate before publishing, just in case of any problems with take downs, and always check your AOD, Dim Display as well, which doesn’t let any animations work, including Seconds Hands. Keep on enjoying what you’re doing and I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that I look forward to seeing what you come up with next…