Convert M/S to MPH

I’m trying to get a formula to show wind speed in MPH by converting it from M/S as generated by the #WND# expression. I tried this #WNDDS# & (pad(floor(#WND#)*2.234)) MPH but get no output, #WNDDS# & ((floor(#WND#)*2.234)) MPH results in what looks like the correct result but depending on the #WND# input figure can output upto a dozen decimal places. I’d like to keep the decimal places down to at least 2 places. Could anyone help pleasse?


The thing is, that this is actually dependent on the personalised watch setting.

So if you set your watch to Metric, you will alway have the WND shown in meters per second. You can calculate kmh out of that. And if you set your watch to Imperial you will always get mph.


Double bind . If you want to convert you have to do both . For me M/S is so near half MPH . I Leave mine set Metric .Because I like my Temprature in C . We have had this conversation before . Sorry .


(toFixed(#WND#,2)) $#UNITSYS#=IMPERIAL?mph:m/s$


Yes…! thank you for the help, (Russell, yes we have had this discussion before. Forgetfulness is something I’m known for unfortunately)

@petruuccios thanks for that, it was something I was coming around to figuring out a way to recognise both settings.


Hi and this topic has become a theme - I wonder if the tags couldn’t be separated further to become independent from phone settings. We are talking about ms/mph and F/C only or are there more? I mean if Facer can calculate distance to the moon to the nearest 1/10 of a millimetre (or whatever) surely they could dump the metric/imperial setting.
Oh and yes I’m sorry for breathing some life into an old topic!

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I thought the metric/imperial settings for facer face on watch could be done independently from phone, but maybe it is not same on all platforms. On my gear S3 it looks like this:

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Hi @petruuccios you are probably right but either way I think that the metric/ imperial setting should be replaced in Facer with separate tags then everyone will be happy and this topic would finally die (maybe :grinning:)

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You mean that we would have two tags for teperature and two for wind speed instead one? We still would have to prepare expression to serve both camps. But I see we could force the display of prefered or both values at all circumstances when needed.


No I love it . There is a lot of repitition in Decent Poetry .

Yes 2 tags for each and @russellcresser I like good poetry too - a good theme never dies! :smile:


Absolutly Absolutly :::)))

If you like more precise solution through Complications here is a good one I found and I’m using it a lot:

Part of app is free but cool things are in paid version.

Tons of weather info, works really well, two weather providers to choose from.


That Guy has made a Fantastc Collection . His Tides graph are an esential on my watch . I helped him with some Debugging . He is very Greatfull . likes to hear from uses . Well done Flagging That . Problem Solved . Sadly you have to pay for Some of it . About half the price of Latte :::')))


Yes, it’s really not expensive and it works very well.

I’m just sorry Facer has 4 complications limit, I would use more.


You getting your Moneys worth . The cost Probably about what we pay for charging our watches for a Year .


Yum Yum .

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Out of curiosity: why do you need info about Tides?

A) Have a boat?
B) Fishing?
C) Turn into a vampire?
D) None of the above

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Ha Ha . Very Good . No . I use the Moon Phase Data to warn of Personality Changes . Always been interested in the Tides . Where we live in Cornwall most of the nice beaches do not exist at High Tide . I have always been interested in The moon Phases . I was so delighted when the Guys pointed me to the Smooth Moon phase data mad ewith DNOW . What we have now is easier to us . I have mad myself a Tide Float Face but it lose its Calibration every time it is swapped .