I recently made a watchface based on the spinning roulette loading screen icon seen in fallout new vegas. I learned the code to make the roulette in the center to rotate counter clockwise:
and the orbiting ball to orbit clockwise
X: (160 + cos((#DWFSS# - 90) * ((pi)/180)) * 57)
Y: (160 + sin((#DWFSS# - 90) * ((pi)/180)) * 57)
I thought that that is how it goes in the game loading screen, but upon replaying the game it is actually the other way around. I just wanted some help figuring out how to make the ball orbit counter clockwise instead. I already tried plugging in the counter clockwise code into where the clockwise smooth secondhand rotation #DWFSS# is in the code above:
X: (160 + cos((-(#DWFSS#)) - 90) * ((pi)/180)) * 57)
Y: (160 + sin((-(#DWFSS#)) - 90) * ((pi)/180)) * 57)
This did nothing but make the ball position itself in the center ( X:160, Y:160). I just don’t know what I’m doing. please help
here is the watch face I’m talking about: