Trying to make new watch face with a compass but rotating but going from left to right. This is the face I am working on. Where the red line is, is where I want to put this compass.
I’m having trouble understanding exactly what you’re going for but you can start with (80+(#CMP#*.5))
in the X Position for moving an element according to the compass angle.
Look it again. Try to get the compass to, instead of rotating clockwise/counterclockwise to move from left to right / right to left. Try to explain what I’m looking for.
I have a test I can show you.You need to use 3 graphics .
Seems like a lot of work to get one that scrolls.
Yes . So times these things take a bit of Work . Sadly I have found no other way to do this . I think it can be done with two images . What we find is that if you try to do it with one the image gets scaled by Face because it is so wide and it looks all fuzzy .
I was wondering if you could do it with text elements but never tried as there is no heading changer in designer but just realised you can use wind direction to test then switch it out.
Might give it a shot as a sample face.
I use #DWFHS# and the slider for simulating stuff saves swapping the Fields Panel . In the case of compass you do not even have to convert it . I always kick of a formula by making the variable into its fraction . Only because Peter Said so .
I don’t understand that bit at all I’m afraid.
Sorry . I meant like ((#DWFHS#)/360) for progress bar . What I typed should have read into its fraction .
Yeah. I was thinking though that with (#WNDD#/360) or similar for the compass scroll you can plug #WNDDS# into a test text to check your heading
Oh yeah . Duuuuh . I did not read Properly . I did not see you meant wind direction . I get so stuck in my way of working .