Hello everybody,
Actually I am working on my first watch face project, see here:
I now want to create some pixels that flash, maybe in a one second sequence. Is there anybody that can give me an idea how to do this? Thank you very much for any support.
If you use one of these they will turn on for one second then off for one second. Just choose if you want them on for even seconds or odd seconds.
If =0 then the seconds are even $(#Ds#%2)=0?0:100$
If =1 then the seconds are odd $(#Ds#%2)=1?0:100$
Or if doing more than 2 you can light images in succession place: $(#DWE#%10)>=0?100:0$ in opacity box
and change number before “?” mark from 0-9 or more.
Just make sure the Ds% number is one higher than the last on time.
Image 1 opacity: $(#Ds#%3)=0?100:0$
Image 2 opacity: $(#Ds#%3)=1?100:0$
Image 3 opacity: $(#Ds#%3)=2?100:0$