Current work in progress: GAUSS-Airfleet

Hi @ll. Here some early pictures of my current project.

Codename: GAUSS-Airfleet.

21 lockable backgrounds textures, with colors orientated at cockpits of real fighter jets like Falcon, Mig, Eurofighter + Radial, brushed metals, carbon, wood …

10 themeable stripe patterns and some nice stickers.

Multiple info displays

I hope you enjoy!

Greetings, GAUSS.


Great set!

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Thank you. These are only a few of all possible combinations. There are thousands of possibilities… :slight_smile:

Looks amazing…

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Thanks a lot!

Great WF. Thanks a lot for the work and inspiration.
I like many of your WFs.

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Those gauges look great!

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Thank you both for the nice words, guys!

Me thinks the version with orange stripes looks the best.

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