Dark Essentials - Bare Minimum Analog Face

Browsing other faces in the minimalistic category yielded no analog faces that matched the style of what I wanted, leading me to create one myself:

Dark Essentials by Nutram

All the face shows is a date and analog time, with a battery indicator ring in the center.
The date field will move opposite the minute hand as needed.

Given the majority of the watch face is black, OLED displays should see some improvement in battery performance as well.

I may introduce more variants with additional information but as it stands this face serves as a timepiece and battery visualizer and nothing else, and its design doesn’t get in the way of you and the information it wants to show you.

If you have any further suggestions or criticism please let me know!


Very nice!

Looks great. Clean and simple. Win!

I like the moving date block. Keeps everything visible.