Dates in Week/ conditionals within conditionals

I’m trying display the current calendar week.

The problem comes in when I try to display the previous month’s dates.

I use this formula to get the date for Sunday, changing the 1 to the whatever day of the week gives the correct result within the month.


Outside the month shows negative numbers and above 31.

I’ve tried this but it doesn’t display anything. I don’t know if conditionals work this way.


This person had the same problem with no solution.

I’m using this style’s method of getting the date:

but I’m using the following to hide the dates from the previous month.


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Yes, calculations back in time are not easy…

Check this thread, should have what you are looking for.

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I have it figured out. I had to used two sets of text.

This for the current month and next month’s dates (This is for Sunday, replace the “0” with the number for every day):


This for the contrast:


For the previous month (This is for Sunday, replace the “0” with the number for every day):


This for the contrast:


I used this post’s code as a base for the previous month’s code.


@Zieneth should see this :slight_smile:


Thank you for the tag! I’m definitely looking into this :slightly_smiling_face: