Day Light Hours and Minutes

This is quite the Limit of my Mathematical capability .
But I thought I would like to share it.

Composed on MS Note Pad with no formatting.
I am absolutely certain it could be Neater.

Hours and Minutes of Daylight

(floor((((#WSUNSETH24#*60)+#WSUNSETM#)-((#WSUNRISEH24#*60)+#WSUNRISEM#))/60)) (floor(((((((#WSUNSETH24#*60)+#WSUNSETM#)-((#WSUNRISEH24#*60)+#WSUNRISEM#))/60))-(floor((((#WSUNSETH24#*60)+#WSUNSETM#)-((#WSUNRISEH24#*60)+#WSUNRISEM#))/60)))*100))

Just Hours.


Just Minutes.


Latest addition to My Favorite Bit of Clutter.


Good morning russellcresser! :slightly_smiling_face: :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:
With all due respect…
The design looks very smart and gallant !!! :cowboy_hat_face:
I like this style of watches !!!
And thank you very much for sharing the programming and design! :100: :ok_hand:
Será util para mi… :writing_hand: :wink:
For example the circle that revolves around the moon :ok_hand: :100:

Cordially ! JDCardozo

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I excluded the second hand on this one to cut down on clutter ; ) So the Little Satellite is a stand in. In the old days we looked to the second hand to see if the watch was working. Not so these days.
I was keen to get the Daylight Hours sorted to monitor what happens at the Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.
Thanks for joining in. I have to pass on respect to the community as a lot of the maths on that Face is quite beyond me. It is sharing Knowlage that helps us Grow : )


Yo pienzo igual !!! :ok_hand: :слегка улыбающееся лицо:
Estoy muy contento de que me hayan aceptado en este grupo , y poder disfrutando de él. :dizzy:

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I am very happy that they have accepted me into this group, and to be able to enjoy it.

Me Also : )

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Well done!


On the Shoulders of Giants : )