DECADES and big numbers

Hi everybody. I wanted to play around with big data and by doing that hopefully create space. Many times we are placed for choices. If you do A, it becomes difficult to do B sometimes. And which data to show and not or in another manner. A challenge to creativity, conceptional thinking and execution. As always.

If one chooses for big numbers for example, you got a problem.
When showing those big numbers for hour in #DhZ# format, you get 01,02,03 … 10 11 12. Meaning somehow you need for big numbers a lot of space. On our small display - which it remains for a long time i fear - suddenly place gets taken, eating up space you actually need for other data or objects.

What if we split hour data in first and last number and we introduce therefor DECADES. The most important part of hour number is for me in that format, the last digit, which therefore becomes the biggest data. I know, feel, see the difference if i see on display 2 it is meaning 2 o clock or 12. But still readability is important.

If i add DECADES, there cannot be more any doubt and i gave it a small number font and place because of the lesser importance.

Furthermore, i added a up running numbers animation, every .1 second a number, depending of the actual hour. So if that is 12, you see all the number pictures (font handmade). For 2, only 1 and 2 picture. Like in an old movie. You see it if you awaken the face.

For the minutes and seconds i used an animated and conditional placing depending on space and thus, of the actual hour. So, if it is 3 o clock or 2, the minutes and seconds display is different, adding variation, excitement to the face.

The Bing Creator made me that amusing background.

So what to think about all that?


Eu achei muito legal, as cores, movimento e posição…de toda arte!!!
Parabéns amigo!!


I don’t get it

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A decade equals to 10.
For the hour, you have let us say values from 1 to 12 o clock (12 hrs format).
For that format, you have values for DECADES; 0 and 1.
Because if the hour is smaller than 10, it is 0. Bigger or equal than 10 o clock, you get for this format, max 1.

If the hour format is 24, you get 0, 1 or 2.

So the number of DECADES equals the first letter (0 for 1 till 9 o clock), etc.

The DECADES number serves to indicate the first digit of the hour. Which I need in this face to separate and to present small.
Because of that, I can use up the freed space to present the important last digit of the hour.



Very stylish and clever, great thinking my friend, you’ve done a marvelous job :+1: