Deleting Custom fonts

I have several in edit mode at the moment waiting for me to get the knowledge to finish them (or the time). Actually that’s not quite true - I keep finding something more interesting to make and promise myself that I’ll get back to them. Oh well, one fine day! (Rainy day?) :grinning:
Most of my watch faces are learning faces - I’m playing with your 28day moons now…


OK Cool . Which moon phase Formulas are you going to use ? Percent or DNOW . I have been working on them myself .
About the Editing . You mean you have Faces in Draft mode . I will show you what I mean by EDIT mode from my Laptop .
If we open a Publication to Update / Edit it and save it but don’t Update / republish it it remains marked as an EDIT till you do or delete it . I wonder if you try to change the font then it get stuck . I will try .
BTW I have tested the most simple Moon phase Opacity Formula and it seems to be fine . Yes there are errors but over the month it is pretty good for most months . All resetting at the New moon .
Variable 0 to 27

Percent . Draft - Edit? Hmmm…

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I know this is hijacking the topic . If any one objects I will take it down . Be aware it is a WIP TEMPLATE .

That’s a cool one

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As far as I know, you can see what fonts are loaded when you open up the developer tools, such as in Firefox, and see what font styles there are.

The standard template will display the font list below:

In my watch face below, I used 2 custom fonts (ghost and alarm clock), which are listed below the standard fonts. So if you keep building on a copy of a watch face and keep adding custom fonts, then the list will obviously grow. Maybe better to start from scratch at some point…


Ooooh. Java Voodoo. Thank you Tom.


Thanks for that - it clearly explains that which I experience and what’s more it makes sense.

I wonder if it is possible just to delete the unwanted fonts in the ‘developer’? Is it worth bothering ,or, maybe it’s just Marvin preparing my favourite fonts for me is a gift

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I have not found a way to delete fonts…

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I rather thought that might be the case. As you pointed out it is probably the best to start from scratch occasionally - this whole question is not really a problem as Marvin is providing me with the two custom fonts I normally use anyway - I just hated the idea of including fonts that I haven’t used in a design believing that they may be using resources unnecessarily no matter how small.