Did i capture the sunglow?

Hi everybody. Now and then, i introduce here some face i like. It has a more conventional look than i mostly make. Still, it has tons of animations.

I like to go everywhere with my creations. Tell me what you think of it. I can handle it :laughing:



Oi amigo,
Estou encantado com essa tela, realmente ela é muito linda, cores, ponteiros, enfim sua arte é muito atraente de se ver…já deve ter ouvido muito isso mas, Parabéns ! !

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Thanks Christian, you bring a smile on my face. Many thanks.


Poxa meu amigo que bom saber que lhe fiz bem, tenha certe que fui 100% sincero e falei de todo meu coração ! ! !


It is ineresting, but somehow I was not able to decypher the battery value.


Yes, definitely something else. You manage to come up with things that attract my attention :slight_smile:
But agree with Peter, the battery level is not too intuitive to understand.


Hi everybody. Thank you for reacting. I appreciate that.

Well the battery icons are here displayed clockwise. So i don’t need a progress circle to show them. The icon’s positioning on that clock, substitutes a progress bar (or two).

It is true, it is not so displaying a number or percentage. But numbers can also be boring, for me. If you imagine the progress circle, when the battery is at 75 %, the circle will position 75 % always at 9 o’clock, meaning 3/4 of 360 degrees.

In my face, the icon will position itself at 9 o’clock, instead of the progress circle. I hope i’m making myself clear. It is for me a way of adapting to be reading the battery without a progress circle or a number. It doesn’t matter so much to me, if its 55% or 58%. Perhaps i would even go further, to only display it, when it matters, under 20 %. :smile:

I feel the progress bar is sometimes in my way, when i want the space to be free or used for something else, but still be informative. And as always i want to entertain myself mostly…

Something i must adapt, when the battery is full or empty, the icon stays at 12 o’clock. Perhaps a color could make that visually understandable.

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Ok, now I understand what are the blinking icons, but maybe there is small typo in the description


Well, yes progress bars are not too exiting, although you can have fun with a progress circle.

For example take this as a seconds indicator on a circular path:

The effect is that the circular progress bar grows in length.

For me, as a creator, battery level is important, since I may install and test a lot, so always in need to know the battery level.


Nicely spotted, correction underway!


True Tom. I sometimes use them as part of an arrow (adding a small triangle), and let these swing together, based on for example steps. Because we don’t have arrows as a standard object, i used some creative mind. With a little bit imagination, much goes or swings.