Did someone mention Animations 😂


I did not say a word . Very nice .


At some point I realised to make something bright you need to work with shadows. There is no light to turn on. Still on a basic level. And then @icrltd4 comes around and just does some magic.

Pretty cool !!

thanks for opening up inspection - need to study it…


Thanks @russellcresser :+1:
And thank you too @tom.vannes - you know you’re always welcome my friend, but most of my Faces are pretty simple :smiling_face:
Snoopy Gif 02


Well done! :slight_smile:


Thanks my friend, and it’s good to see you’re still active here :smiley:

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Oh wow! That is so cool. :slight_smile:


Thanks Juni, it’s using all sorts from what I’ve learned from everyone here in this awesome Community :smiley:


How did you do the seconds “racing” towards the current second?
I know how to get the second number to appear but just as static.


The Face above only has a flashing Seconds effect. If you mean my Signature Seconds Effect, then you can have a look at this Face, where Inspection is enabled as always -

It’s achieved with a Number ring, a progress circle, and an image similar to what is used for a Radar animation, but I cropped it to be the same size as the Progress circle.


Thank you, like this face aswell and what you’ve done with the hour and minute hands.


BTW @dutchie65 That wonderful Effect looks best on a Watch . It is a Bit Glitchy on Here .

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Thanks guys, hoping to create a new Face sometime soon, the new Ahsoka Tano Star Wars series has given me a cool idea for an animated background :shushing_face:

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Very entertaining face, that is right in my alley. Long live animations. It’s what digital faces really are made for, to animate where others can’t.


Thanks my friend, it’s been a while since I saw you here, hope everything is ok with you :+1:


@icrltd4 Oh thank you, I’m doing very well and I wish everybody the best. I’m still a Facer fan and especially of you guys on the forum, helping encouraging people. So essential and of course the sharing. I still chase beauty where I can. Found most of it, in my wife Barbara, our little dog Tao - when not biting, I mean the dog - and of course this valley I love Italy, Aosta valley, at Gimillan. I need a second life! Patrick


Wow! Loving this! Can I ask how to make things glow and move like that?

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It’s easily achieved by rotating one image underneath a mesh or framework.
If you open the Face up by tapping on its name, you’ll see a little Rocket Ship Icon, and if you select that then you’ll be able to view the Face in Inspection Mode, kind of like you’re creating it yourself. From there you’ll be able to see “under the hood” as they say, and basically see how everything was put together, including all the Tags/Formulas used. Hope this helps you.
Thanks for your kind words :blush:


Omgsh… I just inspected your watch face. CRAZY!!! :star_struck: Coolest thing ever!! Thank you! I will try to learn something… Looks very complicated. :sweat_smile:


:joy: You’re welcome, and it’s not the Face that’s complicated, just some of the TAGs/Formulas can be complicated, especially if you don’t understand most of the Math like me :laughing:
That Spin Me Collection you have works quite well, but here’s how you could change the Spin Animation very easily:
I’m guessing you used #DWFSS# to get the Rotations.
You could add to that in 2 different ways -
Change direction -#DWFSS# just by adding a minus at the beginning.
Change Speed (#DWFSS*3) just add a multiplier and stick it all in brackets.
Or do both -(#DWFSS#*3) add the multiplier, then brackets, then stick the minus at the beginning. The 3 is just an example, you can change that up or down to change the speed.
Hope that helps you @mavnl43 :+1: