Displaying pre-selected lines of text at random

I have so many Folders called . Peter’s Voodoo . :rofl: :+1:


About the spreadsheet, I only attach hint images on how to do it

Amazing, thanks so much. For reference, rather than using “=A1&B1&C1…” and so on, you could use “=CONCAT(A1:G1)”, which does the same thing. Similarly, rather than the staircase method you’ve got in column I, you can just do “=CONCAT(H:H)” to stitch together the whole H column in a single cell operation.

(And obviously with a bit more work you could just make a single cell that took a pasted-in list of whatever length and then spat out the final product without using any other columns, but I’m too busy with this ridiculous watchface to distract myself with recreational spreadsheet design :slight_smile: )

As always, Excel solves all problems. Thanks again!


Good to know, that concat() function is new to me. I ventured rather gradually, in case I was about to come to spot where the length of string might cause problem either to Excel or to Facer.


Ah, makes sense, gives you a quick way to test strings of different lengths without messing up your formatting.

Also, turns out I was totally lying about this:

I’m too busy with this ridiculous watchface to distract myself with recreational spreadsheet design

With only the raw text file pasted in column A, the function

=TEXTJOIN(“”,TRUE,“$(wakeRand(1,”&COUNTA(A:A)&“))==”&SEQUENCE(COUNTA(A:A),1,1,1)&“?”&CHAR(34)&INDEX(A:A, SEQUENCE(COUNTA(A:A), 1))&CHAR(34)&“:$”)

creates a cell that outputs the entire list in the correct format, regardless of length. (This was way, way more difficult than I anticipated and is by far the most needlessly complex and utterly pointless piece of Excel spellcasting I’ve ever done. :slight_smile: )


sorry for my side note:

to my experiments the wakeRand function works in a way that it creates exactly one random number between 0 and 1 upon waking up the system. Then it spreads the random number to the min/max boundaries, so not only you get the same numbers for different identical wakeRand incarnations, but also you get the same “proportion” for all different calls.


if wakeRand(0,100) happens to be 50
then wakeRand(0,10) will be 5, wakeRand(1,3) will be 2 and wakeRand(9,17) will be (9+17)/2=13

that will make it look very similar if you plan to use several random effects at once.

PS: I suppose that the same is valid for the rand() function but haven’t tested it so far.


Ha Ha . rand on Facer is not even Pseudo Random . rand() gives a different number about 12 times a second and it can not be trapped so it is useless .
Each Wake Will generate a different number but only one instance .

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