#Dm##Ds# - What's the problem here?


I have some trouble using this command in a Image “opacity”-option:
$#Dm##Ds#=008?100:0$ & $#Dm##Ds#=009?100:0$
My thought is it visible when minuts are 0 and seconds are 8.
With the 008. It get’s visible on the right time [Min.Sek,] 008, but also 010?!?!
And with 009, its right visible 009, but also come visible at sekunds: 11.
I’ve tried multiply times, with a new Watchface, but same problem. It’ works ex. when i write 3008 (min-sec), then it only come visible at min. 30 sek 08, and not 3010.
Even with the #DsZ# does the same wrong appearance.

Hope my “danish”-English is readable

Thanks and thumps up from

the formula isn’t correct, try this $((#Dm#*60)+#Ds#)>=8&&((#Dm#*60)+#Ds#)<=9?100:0$ the Dm * 60 converts minutes to seconds

but your image will only appear when it’s 8 and 9 seconds past the full hour (10:00, 11:00, 12:00 etc) because the minutes are included in the formula

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Thanks for the very Quick help.:+1: I will try it, as soon as I’m back home. Thanks again