As for why, I honestly don’t know. Usually, it’s one of two problems. Facer/Watch manufacturer has updated software and now something is temporarily broke (you’ll see the problem across multiple watchfaces – IE: The temperature no longer shows for any of your watchfaces, etc)
Sometimes it’s been a font issue – not sure exactly why, but I’ve seen a rare case where that was happening.
Long story short, ask on the forum if people are having the same issue with your watchface and compare which watches you have. If you can narrow it down to a model it helps support try and figure out how to fix it.
Is the formula actually using those 2 parentheses at the beginning and end of the string? because I don’t think Facer likes handling anything before or after the $condition?true:false$
Hey, was having a similar problem myself, and found a fix that might work for you too: (if it’s still a problem)
I changed this: $#Dk#+7>23?#Dk#+7-24:#Dk#+7$:#DmZ#
To this: : $(#Dk#+7)>23?(#Dk#+7-24):(#Dk#+7)$:(#DmZ#)
And that made the watch face on the watch itself show the actual value of a 7 hour time advance on a clock rather than it used to show the raw code with some numbers in it.