Expanding object?

Hello All: I would like to add an object, circle/square, etc, that would enlarge then get back to original size every second. Kinda like a blinking cursor. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Or maybe like a heartbeat, bumpbump… bumpbump, bumpbump.


All I have saved is this:

Width: (sin(#DWE#-wakeRand(0, (wakeRand(3,10) * (pi * 2)))) * 50+50)
Height: (sin(#DWE#-wakeRand(0, (wakeRand(3,10) * (pi*2)))) * 50+50)

The * 50+50 at the end is the final size of the object. The pi * 2 might be the timing of the cycle

If you try to use these you will want to remove the space before and after each *. I have to add those spaces to keep the page from clipping them out of the expression. I hope this helps you out.


You can use this for example with or and set font size like
((sin(#DWE#*[how fast you want it])+1)*[how big you want it])
or use it for radius or width and height


Pretty much, exactly what I was looking for. You’re right though, the *2 didn’t the timing, but I like it. I will post the watch face when I am through. Bunches of THANKS !

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It worked very nicely, Thanks for your input.

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@russellcresser gave me this expression to make a heart beat according your heart rate so it gets faster as HR goes up:
For height and width where 40 is the original small size and 10 is the max pixel increase per beat.

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