Rotating bezel +/- 5min steps, and +/-1min.
30 = 30degree steps or 5min. 6 = 6degree step for 1min.
The “VAR_# must match. If you use VAR_1 for the 30* steps in the expression, the TAP area needs to be VAR_1 also as the RESET TAP area needs to be “Reset VAR_1”
Place in ROTATION field in bezel image field for +1, +5, -1, -5 tap areas
Add a VAR_2 “+” Increment to the face with this expression for +1min CW rotation to execute
Add a VAR_1 “+” Increment to the face with this expression for +5min CW rotation to execute:
Label the on-face tap areas with a +1 or +5, if you prefer of make a legend
Add a VAR_2 “-“ decrement to the face with this expression for -1min CCW Rotation to execute:
Add a VAR_1 “-“ decrement to the face with this expression for -5min CCW rotation to execute:
Label the on-face tap areas with a -1 or -5 or have a legend for the TAP areas, or give the written instructions in your watch description. See my legend
Without face markings:
With face markings
- Place 2 VAR_Resets in a different area and STACK them over the tap area on the face area you want to use to reset. #VAR_1# #VAR_2#
Used to adjust time-zones:
Use any available #VAR_?#. #VAR_2# is an example.
also used for a 12 hour dial for adjustment in hour increments
also used for a 24 hour dial for adjustment in hour increments