回転#1 (Rotation #1)
Hello everyone! Gav here from Cyber Pixel Design.
How’s everyone doing?
This is my 4th face and i’m quite happy with it. Of course, there’s ALWAYS room for improvement.
And i’m all ears (or eyes) when it comes to constructive criticism.
I look forward to making more faces like this one in the near future.
So, what do think?
Nice . Works really well . Please understand I am not being critical but You could do with some appropriate hands .
i know it is not easy to make them yourself you might be working on some . I know some are very fond of those Facer Basics .
@safesz Has posted three collections of hands amongst all the others in Resources on this Community . I thought you might be interested to use some of those till you are making your own .
You might like to make your work Inspectable so we can have a really good look .
Welcome to the Community, you’re off to a great start there, I love it 
Hey man! Yeah, no worries dude and thank you for the suggestion.
I haven’t committed to making my own hands just yet. But, it’s something I know I need to do.
Many thanks for commenting 
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Thank you so much for the warm welcome & your kind words