Hello Designer,
Just writing almost after 1 year. Curious to know, is there anyone got Facer partner program or invited? I still see the regular desginer provided service for premium design, some desginers seems new. Most of others do and create deisgn as free of cost.
Can someone from premium designer advise facer to get new designer and paid. or How to do that.
If facer open up and accept new designer, i am sure they will generate more revenue and more designer will come with new creative idea and there will be more competition.
Hope Facer think of this to accept new desginer as premium partner.
The answer is: no.
If you are making watchfaces because you want to became a partner - you are wasting your time. It’s been discussed here many times.
Sorry for bad news.
Gotta go OUTSIDE to maybe get invited in, otherwise just be happy paying to make free content.
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Yes. Facer has been adding partners. It is not automatic. As with any company, if you meet the needs of the brand you will be invited. This topic has been discussed many times in this community.
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