Facer stock hands rule ok!

I just spent an hour and a half searching for hands - and the end result? The stock hands are best!


An hour and a half?? At least thats what you tell us, eh!! :rofl:

Seriously, that is a very nice face! love the power gauge and the curved date. :+1:


They are OK.
I really like the simplicity of the straight rectangles and the tapers. The rest is not so good. Mix and match.

You will not find good hands on the general web, only on the resources sub channel here.
There are great ones and you can make your own easily.

Just don’t try and download them from the intertubeies TheY Are just pants rather than:
They can read your electromagnetic brain signals through the ambient sensors equipped in all monitors since 2010. Jake, a worker at a leading display firm noticed the flaw and was promptly fired for reporting it…

Edit: Nooo… I ranted… Will leave it up but: get hands here or make your own… Or use stock. The basic oes can be just the job.

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