Facer watch faces that support CGM integration/complication

Facer watch faces that support CGM integration/complication would be a great add. I have found only a handful of watch faces (non-Facer) that support this complication (through the G-Watch app and Dexcom’s Share feature). I would love to see more faces and options, especially within the Facer Community for all those T1 and T2 warriors out there! My apologies if this has been covered but some searches did not yield any content. Would love to hear the community’s thoughts.

Samsung Galaxy Watch
Samsung Galaxy Watch Classic

Facer complications can run any App from the Google store for that model of watch if it was made with the right Complication . However you will need a Premium account to get it on your watch . I offer you a test . Tripple tap on the Face to get to the settings cog then tap on the complication . If you App is not on the main list you will see at the top of the list App shortcut . If the app is on your watch you can set it up to run here .


Seja muito bem vindo!!!

Be very welcome!!!

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Rusty, you are correct. I was able to do just as you said. Which is very cool. I’m not sure how this compares to pre-set (by developer) complication areas on most watch faces, or if this feature you have here exists on any other faces. I would love to see 3 or 4 of these user-customizeable areas on a face OR a watch face that has many of the standard complications plus your user-customizeable one. Is there any way to search for this feature within the Facer catalog?


Great . Sadly I have signed out of PRO which is required to make those faces . I could try put a few more Customisable Complications on the one I showed you . If you find a Maker and a face you like you that already has Comps on it you could ask them kindly to add some for you .
I have no Internet at the moment so I can do nothing .

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I did a search with Customisable Complication in the search bar . This was the first one the list . At least if will give you a Test . The Maker might customise something for you.

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As luck would have it, I do have one watchface with 3 customizable complications.


I don’t think so, I’ve tried.

I have few of them with complications, if you want take a peek:


Acho lindo essa tela com a movimentação dos sinais e o batimento cardiáco, essas ações são feitas no Facer com a Seguência? Desculpe pelo abuso estou tentando aprender…

I think this screen with the movement of signals and the heartbeat is beautiful. Are these actions performed on Facer with Sequence? Sorry for the abuse, I’m trying to learn…

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Yes, most of them are .gifs.