Finding watch faces by name

I see a watch face I like on the web site on the computer. I’m signed in, obviously, but for some reason can’t copy to the watch. See no way to sign in on the Android app. That’s problem 1.

Problem 2 is finding a watch face on the app when I see one I like. I type in the name, nothing. Everything but what I’m looking for.

Problem 3 is searching in general. I type in analog and I see page after page of digital. I type in minimal and I see page after page of the most cluttered watch faces imaginable.

If there’s one thing about software in 2021 that’s the most aggravating thing of all, it’s sites that say “you don’t mean what you typed in, you mean something else.” I know what I want and I’m typing it in. You give me everything but what I’m asking for. We’re not getting off on the right foot. Should I just say goodbye now?

The search function (and tagging) in Facer is definitely in need of improvement. They say it’s on the list for the roadmap so let’s hope!

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