First 2 animated Faces of Ironman suiting up


That’s awesome @icrltd4,. Must have been a bit of work? :+1::+1::+1::+1:


Thanks Brad :beers:
I found the gifs, but yes, it was a lot of work editing them, getting the speed right, cutting frames out, and adding lights to the arc reactor and eyes. First gif was originally only 51 frames, so not too much work there, second one was 316 frames though, so had to cut a lot out of that, leaving room for 4 or 5 extra frames to add the flashing eyes too :hushed: Here’s the originals -

Suit Up Gif 04 ISU 02

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I do like the one on the Left. I like the single Animation. Perhaps you could delay the start of the Sequence. Any way it all looks Good Mate. Respect for your original work embellishing the Gifs. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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I just delayed the beginning and the end of it - is that ok for you @russellcresser ?

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On the first one. Just trying to sync it. Connection lost. Reboot Nessisary.

I delayed the gif. not the Face lol

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Oh I see. I have sorted out my syncing Problem . Which one of those will you Preferer me to Sync for a test :::)))

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I changed the first Face for you :smiley:

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Cool :::)))

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I’m trying to sort out a decent chrome coloured background texture now, got a cool idea for a Face, but I’ll be using all chrome parts for it :sunglasses:

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yeah that will be nice . get the Brasso out.

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