First time Featured - 😷

I have recently had one of my watch faces creep in and out of the bottom of the top 100 but today I was notfied that three of my designs have been chosen to be featured. This is a first for me and I am totally chuffed :mask:

They are:

The first two are in the Analog collection:

And the last one is in the Elegant Ensemble:

Thanks everyone for your help, advice and support over the last three months since I joined Facer.


Congratulations :champagne:

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Congrats @mikeoday! You deserve it! Some great designs there. :+1:

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Well done, let the syncs roll-in!!

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Thanks guys, much appreciated :slight_smile:

I have already noticed an increase in syncs - quite a high number for me at a little over 100 / day

Well earned, great designs deserve recognition…

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Thank you very much, that is very kind of you :slight_smile:

Very much deserved. Incredible faces. Congrats!!!

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Thank you very much :). My first time, so still on a high!
