Hi all,
We are currently experience server issues which may affect your experience with Facer. Our team is working on it and expecting to bring the service back up shortly. We will update this thread as soon as we have an update.
Update 3:55pm Pacific time: Most of Facer should now be back online and functional. We are still investigating an issue with the Daily Mix feature and hoping to have that fixed very shortly as well. Thanks for your patience.
Update 5:00pm Pacific time: Daily Mix is now fully functional. Thanks for your patience!
I’m unable to install faces (free or premium) from either the iPhone app or the web page.
Tizen Galaxy Watch:
iPhone: 5.0.0
Also unable to send face from Creator to watch.
Seems to have become a problem around the time of this server issue being reported.
are there issues at the moment? i’ve been trying to get faces to my Gear Sport from my iPhone X and from the webpage but no faces are making it to my watch (via bt or wifi).
It may be unrelated to the original server issue but sending faces from iPhone to Gear watches (and WearOS) is a recurring problem. Once you find the right combination of connections the faces will send beautifully… until the connection breaks again.
Here’s what I’ve found to be more successful than other methods (using an iPhone Xs and Galaxy Watch and also with Gear S3):
- Make sure watch WiFi is ON and connected to same network as phone
- Start BOTH Samsung Galaxy Watch App and Facer for IOS on the phone
- Leave them running for 30 minutes or more
- Stop the Samsung Galaxy Watch app on the phone (kill the app by swiping up or “x” depending on your IOS)
- Try sending the watch face from the phone or web
- NOTE: The Web will send faces if you’re using Facer Premium on the phone which I recommend
This may not always work but it’s the best method that I’ve found.
If it doesn’t work the first time, “rinse and repeat”
until it does.
Hopefully, @Facer_Official will find the bug (or perhaps it’s Apple or Samsung?) and make this a more reliable process for IOS users.
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thanks for the reply and notes! gonna try this now since my syncs stopped working.