Greetings to the facer community. Could you add a fog icon to the basic weather icons? Icons in the basic version do not recognize this weather. Thanks
Welcome @marco69h . Yeah Weather Icons are difficult work. You can drop your own images in the Facer Layer but the scale will be different. So then you have to change them all. Work in White with a Transparent Background. Then you can change the colour in Creator. For a Forecast you have to put your Icons in separate layers and switch them with Opacity or whatever. There are bits in the community if you do a search that tell you which image is called by which number. I can not remember the numbers now.
Come back if this is not clear.
Thank you for your response. However, I was thinking of inserting a fog icon into the basic weather menu … so that Facer administrators would insert it. In our country, this weather is common and sometimes all day.
I think that the basic icons such as clear, partly cloudy, cloudy, rain, heavy rain, storm, snow … should include the fog icon.
There is a Fog Icon. Number 50 . Don’t ask me why. They call it mist. If you switch on the Weather Layer you will see at the bottom of the Images a foggy misty icon. It is no like yours. Unfortunately Facer only Syncs to 9 different Icons ans one of the cloud ones is wrong.
I will go back and check out what I have just said.
Hold On.
Don’t hold your breath if you decide to contact Little Labs.
there is fog … but the icon is incorrect
fog icon and scattered clouds are the same (Facer creator Basic)
Yeah Listen I am sorry I got it all wrong.
I never use the Facer Icons. When I do use the weather I like to geve a one day forecast in whick case you have to do that layer by layer.
See attached confirmation of you issue. Also the icons I use by way of an apology.
I have messaged Little Labs on this exact subject and forgotten. It is partly to do with my age.
You will not see them as they are whit on transparent but the are there and rather large sorry.
Thank you for your answer and for instructions on inserting the weather icon into your daily forecast. However, in Facer icons, the fog icon is incorrectly assigned. It’s the same as scattered clouds. That’s why I wrote the Facer administrator (if it will read) to fix it. Well thank you.
Well done. All the best for a Reply. Hopefully some others in the community will chip in and add weight to this Topic. It is Important.
so in the end i found out that you can replace all the icons in the Facer ikons and replace them with yours
Cool. We’ll done. I am a technician so sometimes it is difficult to explain exactly what to do. Plus I think we learn better if it is a Voyage of Discovery. Please keep this Topic Live by posting a link to you work when it is done.