For several reasons I don't know if I will return to this group!

Hi friends,
I haven’t done one of my paintings for a few days and haven’t kept in touch with the people here.
I have some health problems and they have become a little more serious, requiring new adjustments, including the purchase of a motorized wheelchair as my brain injury is permanent and cannot be repaired.
I talked to several people here and everyone was very supportive and patient and attentive to me!
Hugs and may God bless you!


I’m sorry to hear this. Always know that you are welcome back at anytime. I hope things get better for you. I do believe that keeping your mind active and challenged is usually a good thing.


Sorry to hear that. I wish only the best. May you find the mental strength to fight it so that you gain stability and can come back and continue your journey with Facer and with us.


Oh man, sorry to hear, wish you the best!


If what you are trying to do becomes difficult and you Stop enjoying it best get on with something else . There is no rush to create Faces . I have not made anything of Note for months . Just take your time if you can still focus on Making . We all wish you the very Best . God Bless You .
Se o que você está tentando fazer se tornar difícil e você parar de gostar, é melhor fazer outra coisa. Não há pressa para criar Faces. Faz meses que não faço nada digno de nota. Não tenha pressa se ainda puder se concentrar em Fazer. Todos nós desejamos a você o melhor. Deus o abençoe .


You have to be positive and enjoy the things you can do, no matter how big or small, or what they are. Most importantly, understand that you are not alone. I followed your many questions on this forum with interest and the answers you got from the people here helped me as well. You are amongst friends here and will always be welcomed back if only you can.
PS You made some nice watches.


God bless you and keep you safe @christianfernandes38 my friend :pray: You will have all our respect and support, so take your time, look after yourself, and please know that you always have a home here :beers:


Sad to hear this. I wish you all the best. Good luck


Really sorry to hear that. God bless!


We just cannot imagine what you are going through. That is hard, but I believe you are a fighter, you hang on more than anything, to life and doing things that give you pleasure, yourself and us. Participating in this voyage of sharing experiences and listening to each other is what this forum keeps alive. So, I will dedicate my next face to you and ask anyone who syncs it to write you, to support you in this daily battle. It’s just the right thing to do and perhaps this gesture will be picked up by others. Patrick


Hi @christianfernandes38

So I dedicate this face to you, it’s called JOIN and it is about letting you know, we care about your worries, your battle and your presence at the forum. I noticed you are Brasileiro and use the national colours and emblem in your logo. So I took those colours and used some progress (funny this one because part of the emblem talks about just that) circles and let them grow, merge together in this face to simulate a “moving” flag as a circle. Of course I needed some stars to complete the picture, and I used some scripts to form the emblem words in a kind of animated way.
Take your time and let me know this one is worthy to be dedicated to you.
Inspection is on.



That is pretty cool! :muscle:t3: Was also thinking of doing something, you beat me to it :sunglasses:


Cool, nice work!


Hi friends, my eyes are full of tears because of all the strength you are giving me and, especially to @pbervoets who made a beautiful painting…they tell me words to explain…to all of you I thank you…God “the Great Master” unique to us all, bless us!!!

Oi amigos, meus olhos estão aqui cheios de lágrimas por toda força que estão me dando e, em especial a @pbervoets que fez uma lindissima tela…me falatam palavras para explicar…a todos vocês eu agradeço…Deus " o Grande mestre" único a todos nos os abençoe!!!


Hi Christian. So glad you responded. You know, we care here about you and your story. Emotions can guide us towards each other, as humans, not only as face makers. And I hope that God guides you on this difficult path, which we can only imagine. So, I publish JOIN now and will ask everybody to write at least a word of support for you. That would be nice and human. Stay in touch. Patrick


Friends, I’m going to ask everyone their opinion, please, I apologize in advance… I’m trying to raise a sum of money to buy a motorized wheelchair… if you wish, I’ll send you documents, photos, etc… anyway whatever they deem necessary.
Can you tell me what you think about asking for help in the group?

Amigos, vou perguntar a todos a opinião, por favor desde já peço desculpas…estou tentando levantar uma quantia em dínheiro para a compra um uma cadeira de rodas motorizadas…se desejarem envio documentos, fotos, etc…enfim o que julgarem necessário.
Podem me dizer o que acham de pedir um ajuda no grupo?

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Hi Christian
I would launch a crowdfunding campaign, then anyone can contribute if they wish.
These are some of the major ones:


Passei o dia tentando mas, não consegui me cadastrar em nenhum…devo estar fazendo algo errado…amanhã vou continuar tentando…Abraços!!

I spent the day trying, but I couldn’t register with any… I must be doing something wrong… tomorrow I’ll keep trying… Hugs!!


Can anyone explain to me what this is? I’ve done everything but it doesn’t work

Uploading: Captura de tela 2023-09-20 163709.png…

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Amigo tentei criar uma campanha nesse último que me enviou, fiz as descrição, etc…mas ele fica impedido alegando algo errado na questão bancária…então não de certo, eu não excluí mas, não achei ninguém aqui que saiba fazer ou esteja disposto a me ajudar…

My friend tried to create a campaign with the latter who sent it to me, I wrote the description, etc…but he is prevented from doing so alleging something wrong with the banking issue…so it’s not true, I didn’t delete it, but I didn’t find anyone here who knows do or are willing to help me…