Hi all, I’ve just recently upgraded to the Galaxy watch 6 and have noticed that the degrees “°,” does not show on my watch. It shows in facer but not when sync’d.
Anyone else have this or ideas as to why it happens and how it can be rectified?
Hi all, I’ve just recently upgraded to the Galaxy watch 6 and have noticed that the degrees “°,” does not show on my watch. It shows in facer but not when sync’d.
Anyone else have this or ideas as to why it happens and how it can be rectified?
Yes, I have seen this, I think it is a font issue, not sure.
Like @tom.vannes said it’s probably a font issue. I have some digital style fonts that do that. You can do a work around by putting the temperature in without the degree sign with right justification. Then use a Facer supplied font and just add the degree sign right behind it in a separate element. It will work that way, but it’s a little extra effort to do it.
I usually don’t have a problem with the fonts I use using ° [ALT+0176] but often, just for size, shape and position, I use a circle shape, or other round character in a separate element.
Hi guys.
I have this problem and I have noticed that sometimes the fonts do not display some symbols, such as “%”, “:”, but all the others do and I have never had any problem of this type with letters or numbers.
Yes. It will depend on the font, especially some of the fancier ones.
Now that I’ve read some of these comments, I can see that the facer standard fonts don’t seem to have the issue along with some of the custom fonts I use. Most other customs fonts have!
Trail and error seems to be the way forward.
Now i remember it, I’ve seen that too.
Pretty much.
I pull fonts from the Windows Font Folder . They do not seem to have issues . I keep them in a Folder next to the Hands and Dials . If I think one is not working I just Dump it .