Galaxy Watch3: 4Tap but no QR code menu

Just got a Galaxy Watch3 and wanted to use the app on my phone to add a new watch face. The app said to “Tap the watch screen 4 time” and a QR code will load to scan in app.

No matter how many times I tap nothing happens. Only 3 taps change the screen but to a selection/settings menu, no QR code.

Anyone know a fix?

Phone app: 6.1.3 (iOS)
Watch app: (Tizen)

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Just go to play store on your watch to download facer companion app, follow instructions, then tap and hold to select facer as your current watch face. Then sending faces from app on phone should be quick and easy ok.


I have the Facer Companion App on my watch that was downloaded from the Galaxy store on the watch, version:

But as I said above, Tapping the screen 4 time dose nothing, only tapping 3 times does it open the selection/ settings menu, where I found the version number. There is no option to sync a face from the phone, only pick a random one after the 3 taps.

The QR code is asked by the phone app to sync the two together so you can send one from the phone to the watch. But if I cant sync the two together, how am I to set the face I want.

Any other suggestions?

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I may be wrong but I think the 4 Tap QR Code trick is for WOS3. Ie Galaxy watch 4 and 5. GW3 is on the previous OS. You must also check that you have the correct Watch model selected on your phone in the Facer App settings. It is always A good Idea to reinstall the companion App regardless. I do that evertime there is an Update. Stick with it and we will get there.

My Companion app is 6.1.4 at the moment. Make sure your app and Companion are the same.

Don’t tap 4 times. To sync a Face just open the Facer App on your phone, select the Face you want, then tap the Blue Circled Watch Icon to send it to your Watch. It should then automatically load up on your Watch.

You could also try searching for the Galaxy Wearable App on your phone, if it works on Apple obviously. You can do loads with settings and stuff with that App.