Gear s2 support?

I am trying to set up facer with my gear s2 watch but I am unable to cuz I cant download the companion. It says it doesnt support my watch?


Facer is definitely compatible with Gear S2! Can you make sure you watch OS is up to date?

Yea I just checked and I’m running on the latest version

Got it sorted out thanks

Great! Would you be able to share what the issue was? It might be interesting to our support team in case it happens to somebody else.

Yea sure so when I tried to clicked the prompt from the app. It brought me to the galaxy store but It showed up as not available. I searched it through the galaxy store and it gave me the option to install

Thanks! Do you mind me asking in which country you live? This may help us debug the issue.

Yea sorry I haven’t checked this in a while. I live in Canada