Gear S3 24 sunrise tag issue

I have a few different smart watches and I am noticing that on my Wear watches the 24 Sunrise tag displays the leading 0 but on my Gear S3 the same tag is dropping the leading 0. I am guessing a bug?

Do you have the tag in a formula? I noticed that some tags that have the lead zero show the zero unless they are part of a formula - meaning if the tag is inside parentheses. Then the lead zero gets dropped. #DHZ# is a good one.

at 5:00am:
#DHZ# shows 05
(#DHZ# + 1) shows 6
even (#DHZ#) will show only 5

if you’re using #WRHZ# it does the same thing. You’ll have to add another layer and pad the lead zero in front when the tag value is less than 10.


Nope just the tag. It’s a tag for the 24 so should work without needing a formula. It does on one watch and not another so definitely a bug.

I have found this to be the same with me for the sunset/sunrise hour tag on my wearOS watch’s vs my s3 frontier. Also I’d add that it doesn’t show the extra 0 when in the creator. I haven’t used the sun tags before and I’m not sure if this was only happening in the TicWatch creator or not.

Strange. In the tic and regular creator it displays properly for me. In the preview thumbs in app under my watches it drops the 0 but on main page for the face the preview shows the 0 lol. All over the place.

Indeed strange. I’ll submit a bug report.