Gear s3 does not work .. always has the same problem

I have gear s3 and note 8 but I always have the same problem. the dial set to facer returns to the default face … I waited all the updates and I made them but I think I’ll have to uninstall because the problem has not yet been solved

Me too

Same situation here. 2 Gear S3’s with 2 Note 8’s. But if we put the watches on airplane mode, they have no problem whatsoever. Perfect everytime. Hoping for a fix.

@bagomez2014 @bg1979 @plamas Which watchfaces are you seeing this with? Also, how long does it take before the watch returns to the default face?

After the last update it still continues with the same problem. It takes about 1 minute from when I take it off the dock or pick it up from my desk. For 2 seconds it is frozen and then it goes to the correct time. I then go through notifications and when I slide upwards to clear it goes to a black screen instead of a watchface (any from facer) then it acts like it’s syncing but then it reverts back to the default face. I have the Bluetooth version on the latest firmware and I have Facer Plus. Can’t wait till it gets fixed.