Hello. Is anyone have problems with facer creator other than myself?

@GAUSS what do you mean by foreign watch faces? can you share a link and/or screenshot?

Working for me now, thanks :slight_smile:

@Facer_Official Thank you for fixing yesterday’s center point and ticks issues.

Yesterday I noticed something new that has not cleared up for me yet. It appears that I have joined the members who receive the email notifications of reviews, but have no way to reply to them. They are not showing up on my Reviews list either – nothing listed there for a week or so. The recent reviews were complimentary so it’s not as if the people had second thoughts and deleted them. I appreciate all reviews and would like to be able to thank the members who post them.

@Linlay all designers should be receiving email notifications on reviews. When you go into the Facer Creator - can you not see these reviews on the left side panel?

New issue: About an hour ago I uploaded a few designs. On the app, the preview looks normal. But when you click it to view it up close in the app (dim mode, time machine etc), it displays what looks to be an incomplete draft. Syncing it also results in the draft displaying on the watch? Thanks for the help in advance.

I received the emails, but was not able to reply in the usual way that we reply to reviews. They were not showing up in Latest Reviews.
Having said that, within the hour, I received an email notification and can see it in Latest Reviews. There are still two missing from earlier today. I still have those email notifications if you need the usernames for troubleshooting.

That´s what i mean. Since yesterday i can´t see or open any designs or drafts - With “foreign designs” i meant the published ones.

Cleared my Cache, rebooted Windows and even tried to reinstall/repair Facer Creator Software but it stays the same like above. Before yesterday all was working fine and i never had any issues;-(

Crazy. When i open the creator with IE or Firefox it is working fine…

Oh, are you using the Windows client?

Yes, i usually did. Version of the windoes client and the beta before. Since last week i was fine with it.

But at the moment i am creating my watch faces with the web-based version.