Help change automatic Miles and kilometers on the same point

Hello and you can change automatic Miles and kilometers on the same point so as not to do 2 steps equal. Thank you

Hello, is it a question? mile is 1.609344km, so just divide your steps km number by that.

Thank you, I meant that it changes automatic in miles or kilometers based on watchfaces usage. ES: farenight, gradi automatically. THX

You could put two layers on the same place, one that shows km values another one that shows miles.
One would have opacity (100*(#UNITSYS#==METRIC)) another (100*(#UNITSYS#==IMPERIAL))
btw, in miles it will be lower number ((round((#ZSC#*0.00762/1.6)))/10)

This is what I use for distance.

$#WM#=F?((round((#ZSC#*0.0476)))/100) m:((round((#ZSC#*0.00762)))/10) km$

It automatically switches between miles and km depending on Imperial or Metric choice.


thanks to @petruuccios and @mrantisocialguy for
code kilometers and automatic