Help, day codice Mellin? 32 day 33 day trasparente

Hello I would need help on watchfaces with Mellin code, day 32, 33, 0, -1, to put in transparent as you can do Thanks!
mellin|442x499 Senza%20titolo-5 Senza%20titolo-8

Image WF

Hi, it is very hard to do this because you only know the maximum number of days of the current month and not the previous month.
I can help you with expressions that will always show 31 days, not 28, 29 or 30. That would require complex expressions or multiple layers. I have also added the leading 0:
Day-2: $(((#Dd#+(31-2)-1)%31)+1)<10?0:$(((#Dd#+(31-2)-1)%31)+1)
Day-1: $(((#Dd#+(31-1)-1)%31)+1)<10?0:$(((#Dd#+(31-1)-1)%31)+1)
Day: #DdL#
Day+1: $(((#Dd#+1-1)%31)+1)<10?0:$(((#Dd#+1-1)%31)+1)
Day+2: $(((#Dd#+2-1)%31)+1)<10?0:$(((#Dd#+2-1)%31)+1)

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Hello, Thank you is fine this code, I had seen the difficult change
of numbers for month, for me this is fine and super THX

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I think you could put the following expression in the field for the next day, and it would work, except on leap years in February. Basically, it has a check for each month and if it is the last day of the current month then the next day is the first day. The last couple of checks is if it isn’t the last day of any month and not the last day of months 2, 4, 6, 9 & 11 then the next day is simply +1 to the current day.


You could simply go through it for days +2, days-1 and days-2 and edit accordingly…

Heck you could even add a condition “#DM#=02&&(#Dd#+1)=29?01:” and such to make leap years in February work… Maybe??

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hellothane for the big job but unfortunately the code doesn’t work even with the endings ?01$

now i am using ThaMattie code with the Wf under construction

Yeah, while the logic seems to work, Facer doesn’t like it. Probably too many && statements.

maybe there’s a little mistake ca see, anyway good idea.

Even if it works in Facer Creator, not all watch brands like the multiple conditions like $something?a:$$somethingelse?b:$

Okay, thank you, too bad though.

Hello, just beginner question:
if its known that some brands do not like the multiple condition in form $$,
do they also have same problem if the conditions are combined trough + and * signs?
like $((#DM#=1)*(#Dd#=31)+(#DM#=2)*(#Dd#=28)+and so on)==1?1:(#Dd#+1)$

As far as I know adding parentheses makes it a number, so #DM#=1 will be true/false and (#DM#=1) will be 1/0, but I do not know if that is true on every watch.
One would normally use logical AND && and OR || to combine conditions, and Facer supports up to three of those in 1 conditional expression: Boolean logic – How can we help?

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My point was to find way how to avoid using “boolean operators”, that are limited to 3, when there has to be like 12 conditions in chain.

You can try to break them down and spread them over layers, using opacity, x and y coordinates to hide layers. It all depends on what you want to do exactly.

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I’ve been using the following format with reasonable success. I used it for textual seconds, in this case. That’s sixty conditions! Is that enough?

$(#Ds#)==1?ONE:$$(#Ds#)==2?TWO:$$(#Ds#)==3?THREE:$ … and so on…