Help problem Weather

Hello, is it possible to change language to French storm, snow etc weather?


If Facer does not automatically switch languages, there is nothing you can do.


D’accord merci ce dommage :frowning:

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You can hard code it in French if you want, but then it will be French for everyone.

You can use the tag: #WCCI#. Like this:


Just replace the English words with French ones…


@tomas.sitko42 . I think the Weather text should come up in French for you . I am sure the Date does . Have you not got an Apple watch .
We can ask one of out International Friends . If you have not got an Apple watch do you have one for testing Facer Faces . I think to get a different language that will have to be set on the watch when it is Reset .
Otherwise as tom says it is Hard Code . That is the beauty of a decent set of Icons no description needed.

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I had one of my users asking why they see the weather in Spanish on the phone app, but it’s in English on the watch itself. I wonder if the connection between Facer and OpenWeather is having issues now that it’s more than one with the issue.


Yeah this feedback is so important . I wonder if @christianfernandes38 would join in and let us know about the Weather and Date coming up in Portuguese .


Oi amigos,
Eu tenho o maior prazer em ajudar pois, quando ocorre a tradução, inclusive relacionado ao clima, eu também sinto dificuldade…se tiverem um pouco de paciência eu tenho toda vontade de poder auxiliar!!!

Hi friends,
I have the greatest pleasure in helping because, when translation takes place, even when it comes to the weather, I also experience difficulties…if you have a little patience, I would love to be able to help!!!

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Thank you Tom :slight_smile: I will test tomorrow