I want to create an element that is visible between 15 and 45 minutes of every hour, so I want to combine 2 conditions:
Each of them on it’s own works, but when I combine them:
They constantly give “0”.
Hey Mellin I always melt my brain on those long string mult operator math statements (and they never work). I would just load your element twice. Have one appear at 15 and the other at 45.
But that is not what I want.
I want 1 (or whatever much more) element that is visible only between 15 and 45.
I already have other elements that show up 0-15 and 45-60.
I used a simpler (in my opinion) way:
Rotation: $(#Dm#+(#Ds#/60))>=15?(((((#DK#+((#Dm#+(#Ds#/60))/60))-(floor(#DK#/1)*1))*120)-180)+120):180$
transparency: $(#Dm#+(#Ds#/60))<=45?100:0$